Join a club or team with an invite link

If you have received an invite link, this is what you do to accept the invite:

This guide details how to create a profile after receiving an invite link from a coach or a club administrator. To receive the link, please contact your club.

The link has this format - (not a valid link)

  1. Open the link and verify that the correct team Is shown. If the team is incorrect team, please verify the group code and/or contact your club administrator.

    welcome to 360Player splash screen

  2. Select your role

    select your role input selector

Shortcuts to the process for your selection:

I'm a parent to a player

I'm a coach or staff

I'm a player

I'm a parent to a player

  1. Select the option and click on "Continue"

  2. Enter your information as a parent and then press "Continue"

  3. Confirm that you are a parent to a player in the correct team. Go back if necessary.

  4. Choose how you want to create your account or if you already have an account.

  5. Complete the signup process by entering your details.

I'm a coach or staff

  1. Select the option and click on "Continue"

  2. Enter your information as a coach or staff and then press "Continue"

  3. Confirm that you are a coach or staff in the correct team or go back and edit.

  4. Choose how you want to create your account or if you already have an account.

  5. Complete the signup process by entering your details.

  6. Feel free to hang out in the club lobby while your request is awaiting approval.

I'm a player

  1. Select the option and click on "Continue"

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